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Tips for remote wild camping

Wild camping, as the name suggests, is essentially camping in the remote outdoors, usually without facilities such as electricity, ablutions or washing areas. Most likely you will pay a period specific fee to enter a National Park which allows camping in designated areas or you might find yourself in the middle of nowhere where camping wild is the only option, usually while searching for that perfect wave or rock or river. It is important to be mentally and logistically prepared.

- Your vehicle must be reliable and equipped for self sufficiency while being able to traverse the terrain you intend to explore,

- Carry emergency spares and sufficient provisions including fuel and medical supplies, food and water,

- Do not pack too much non essential gear,

- The water you carry on the vehicle should be reserved for drinking, cooking and brushing teeth, wash yourself in the ocean or a river,

- Dedicated surfers are not shy to deploy an aquaturd, give it a try,

- Bathing every day is a luxury. Use wet wipes to freshen up and change your undies daily, you do not need to wear a fresh set of clothing every day. You will not smell your companions and they will not smell you. However, the first people you meet back in civilization will smell you for sure,

- Use paper plates if possible and keep dishes to a minimum,

- Your clothing must be appropriate to the environment, as must your bedding,

- Saving water is very important, you do not want to run out in the middle of nowhere. This is why we are not great fans of those portable showers,

- You may have to dig a hole for relief (always remember to dig the hole at least 30 cm’s deep and ensure that all toilet paper is properly buried before moving on),

- Travel responsibly, do not leave your litter behind, do not drive off established tracks where fauna or flora may be damaged, do not make or cause large fires, respect fellow travellers and leave only your footprints behind. There is nothing more irritating than an inconsiderate traveller who treats nature (and fellow travellers) as something which needs to be dominated aggressively. Loud music is hated by everyone except the dick playing it. Bright lights are unnecessary, heavy drinking and disruptive drunken behaviour is just plain pathetic. Do not be a dick,

- Do not rely solely on your GPS, carry paper maps and be sure to memorise the route as you travel,

- Explore according to your level of experience and expertise. Let your people know where you are going and when you intend to return,

- Watch that old Discovery program, I Shouldn’t Be Alive, read Into The Wild. Do not do what they did,

-  Respect the power of Mother Nature.

Wild camping is a great way to save money when on the road. In Northern Brazil, for instance, we found that we could drive for very long distances on the beach. We would make fires using coconut husks and old palm fronds, we would swim in the sea and do some fishing then fall asleep to the sound of the waves. After a week of travelling off the grid we could afford to splash out on a decent campsite, have a proper shower, tan some meat and plug back in to the internet before heading back out into the Natural World

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